Scented wax melts are known for waving their magic wand to create mood enhancing surroundings.
They release fragrance molecules that can have a positive effect on our mental health and wellbeing. Various scents can create different atmospheres within the home. They can evoke familiar feel good thoughts or memories, help to relieve pressures of stress, anxiety or difficulty sleeping.
For years we’ve heard the word ‘Aromatherapy’ - essential oils used to stimulate our smell receptors in the nose, which then sends messages through the nervous system to the limbic system. This is the part of the brain that controls our emotions.
At Beatrice & Lilly we use various ‘fragrance oils’ to create aromatic scents to create a sense of calm and tranquility and our new Spa Collection was created just for that. Five soft and delicate scents to help relax and unwind after a busy day. If you’re yet to take a look at what scents are included, click here for more information https://www.beatriceandlilly.com/product-page/spa-collection-gift-box The collection comprises of Coconut & Waterfall Blooms, Pampering Bliss, Relaxing Embrace, Spa Day and Cashmere & Musk.
Fragrances that are perfect to help calm and relax are:
Ylang Ylang
Reed diffusers are also a great way to give a soft, long lasting fragrance within the home. I’ve recently introduced the scent of Sweet Jasmine and Fig & Cassis into the collection - both great scents to change your mood.
Who’s now running a hot bubble bath, pouring a glass of wine and choosing what wax melt to take those stresses away from a busy day?
If only I had a bath………..